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Training Philosophy

From the Ground Up Horsemanship


Connection and Partnership


I can offer you the knowledge to grow your connection and partnership with your horse through trust and respect. We achieve this by starting on the ground; which, develops the language and skills needed to communicate effectively and safely with horses.  




Horses innately view humans as a threat because we are predators.  When humans approach horses, mother nature and 1000's of years of breeding tell them to be fearful. Horses (prey) are flight animals, which means they react first and think later.

To gain their trust, humans consistently have to prove that we're not a threat; in other words, we won't eat them.  Using methods like punishment or force will quickly dissolve any trust that was previously gained.




Gaining a horses respect is similar in the sense that we don't want to appear as predators, but we still need to establish ourselves as the leader in our herd of two.  Only after we have gained our horses trust can we start working on respect by defining space.   In a herd, horses are always playing dominance games, jockeying for position and challenging the pecking order - this is essential to their survival - they will attempt the same with us.  


Learning the skills of From the Ground Up Horsemanship will help you to build a lasting relationship with your horse based on trust, respect and safety, so you can mutually enjoy your time together and achieve whatever you put your hearts and minds towards.


We begin with the principles of From the Ground Up Horsemanship:


1. Understanding the prey/predator relationship

2. Managing energy through space and time

3. Habits of Successful Horsemanship 



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Phone - 905 904 1751

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